
Fairies so small they can hardly be seen, except for the laughing child within. Fairies so happy and kind, so gentle and wild, so go on and dance my wild fairy child.


Author: Fran

Ireland is truly a magical place. I am so privileged to live here and call it home.But Ireland has not just provided me with a place to live and work, but a constant place of inspiration. Even as a child I was drawn to stories...

The Pros and Cons. You know, the pandemic has taught me a few things. The most valuable one is probably this one. Do not overthink an thing. Just go for it. You see, with the pandemic my income was cut in half. All scheduled courses had to be...

And fun we need with the year that was in it. Now if you where anything like me, I enjoyed the bit of me and us only time. It was different but also in a strange way enjoyable. But I think I have enough of that now...

Sheep come in all different shapes, colours and wool. There are over 1000 different sheep breeds in the world.  The USA alone has 60 different breeds. As felters, knitters and weavers, we have lots to choose from. Some sheep are bred for their meat and milk. Others...

  So, here we are, separated and somewhat still together. Thank god for the internet, facetime, what's app and all the other connecting devices. After all, this is how I can keep in touch with you and my family. How are you getting through the day? I did...

And, what do you think of my brand new website?Actually, as I’m writing this, I haven’t  even seen it myself .My whole trust lies with Patrick Mc Hugh Digital that revamped, restyled and recoded this website. I hope you all love it. I’ve been mad busy...

OMG where has the summer gone. As always when the kids are back in school I start to panic about Christmas Fairs. Christmas might be fare away for you guys,but for me it's just around the corner. I'm busy making fairies and a couple of new...