28 May Update on workshops and pictures of Lambs festival Roscommon
In short , what I do when others enjoy the Irish summer.
But first.This workshop was April the 28th . I will post pictures of the workshop held in May a bit later.
I’m going to let the pictures speak for themselves. An amazing talented group of women. Thank you for making this workshop so enjoyable.
My next workshop is for 2 days were you will go home with your own handmade troll.
Costs for the 2 day event is 165 Euro including as always with lunch and all materials.
Book yourself a place for the 22.6 and 23.6
Book Now
It was a beautiful day in between showers , and we made great progress . Everyone had their heads down stitching away.
Fairy neat bodies here . All ready to get dressed up.
Fairies are sometimes a bit like Voodoo dolls when we start to put hair on their heads. Poor Fairy. As my mother used to say. If you want to be pretty you have to suffer.
The biscuits and teas help to keep going on the fairy adventure.
The fruits of our labour. Enchanting Fairies.
Every one of them unique and precious.
Thanks to Yvonne,Julie,Emer,Frances and Maureen. I’m sure all fairies are going to good homes.
The following weekend was spent in a tent in the middle of Roscommon town. Every year to call comes for the Lambs Festival. It’s an amazing weekend for all visiting or being involved.
The weather for once was nothing but the best. So many previous years we were all so cold ,but this year was just right.
So let me introduce you to some of my fellow crafters,artists,designers ,but mostly just friends with a passion.
This is Tracey with her amazing knowledge of precious stones. She creates beautiful pieces of art ,and the best thing is it’s very affordable but unique.
Her craft goes under https://www.hazelrock.com
Lucy’s soap kitchen speaks for itself.
Completely chemical free ,environmental friendly packaging and a beautiful product is all due to a hard working woman called Lucinda ,eg Lucy.
We’re working together on a product development .Wool versus soap.
More of that when it’s finished.
Her Online shop is.
I have known Geraldine now for a good few years. She like myself loves all things textiles. She exhibits regularly with a group of likeminded people under the name Textile Collective.
Her business is https://www.facebook.com/GeraldineBeirneTextileArtist/
Geraldine stitches and felts colorful art that enhances any wall in your home.
Elena Brennan and myself love each others creations
We constantly swap fairies for jewellery and jewellery for fairies.
Elena works mostly with silver ,but many of her pieces incorporate gold too .Very much Irish and nature inspired and should I ever win the lotto I know where to invest.
Her Online shop is fabulous so check it out yourself.
Here we have Siobhan Cox Carlos and her stunning silk scarfs. Siobhan is a talented painter as well and creates some very unusual upcycled furniture too. She ‘s constantly exploring new avenues.
Now,should you ever need a small gift to cheer up that someone special in your live,Flutterby crafts will sort you out.
Michelle is the creator of many signs and sayings to hang on doors or other specific places .
This was my set up for the 3 days. I also set up a table for kids to try to do wet felting. And everyone that participated brought home a pencil cover that they made themselves out of wool.
I’m looking forward to next year and truly hope the weather will be as kind as this year.