29 Apr Help to combat boredom during a lockdown.
So, here we are, separated and somewhat still together. Thank god for the internet, facetime, what’s app and all the other connecting devices.
After all, this is how I can keep in touch with you and my family. How are you getting through the day?
I did a lot of projects I always wanted to do but never had the time for. I restarted my garden, explored some new recipes and helped with schoolwork.
But I also took time out to design and draw new collections for my felt work.
I have enough supply to keep me happy for another few weeks. But I do miss people coming and not running the felting courses. They are always such fun for everyone. I didn’t cancel any of the courses that were to be held during this restriction. And as soon as we can mingle again, I will rearrange dates to catch up with what we missed.
I haven’t postponed the 2-day gnome felting course in June just jet. I am forever an optimist.
But if I must, I will of course get in touch with these that booked.
Why not sign up for my newsletter. You will be put into a draw twice a year to win a fairy.
Anyone already signed up will of course also be entered. Signing up is done through the websire.
In the meantime, I did a project that I would like to share with you. It’s relatively easy to do, but it helps if you have some experience with wet felting.
Here is a picture of the result.
A wind chimes.
Join me with the process over the next few pages.
I used 18 micron merino wool. But a higher micron will do too. I have a selection of wool available in my online shop should you need some. www.franziska.ie
For this chime I used about 100 gr. of wool.
First, I need a template. You can do this smaller if you wish. I draw it on paper, cut it out and transfer the design on to a plastic sheet. This is called a resist. This is used to give you a hollow pocket, as the plastic inside stops the wool felting together. The resist will be removed later.
The width of mine was 20 cm and the length 30 cm.
The resist laying now on top of a material that will let water through. Net curtain or something similar.
Underneath this I have bubble wrap. Bubble wrap is great to give the wool the traction it needs when felting. Bamboo sheets work very well too.
The first color I want inside the chime is put down on the resist. I used pale blue.
Cover it with a net curtain and wet the wool with warm water. The fabric cover will hold the wool in place. Make sure the whole piece is wet. Then turn it over.
The resist unfortunately is blue as well so it’s hard to see it on the picture. Once the piece is flipped, fold in the overlapping wet wool. If you have too much, cut it off.
Then repeat the first step. Add your wool on top, wet it and flip it again. Fold in the wool. Do not felt any at this point.
You now have both sides covered with pale blue wool. Next you add the contrast color wool. I used dark blue. Repeat all the steps as above. Cover both
sides with wool again. Make sure it’s wet throughout. Again, wait with felting.
Here you see the overlapping wool after turning the piece. Make sure that wool is folded over to give it the correct shape of your design.
Next, I use red wool for the tip on the chime. Sausage shaped wool made wet on just one side and shaped to a tip. Use warm water and
soap and rub and roll for the wool to felt. The other side should stay as dry as possible. We need this later to attach to the blue chime.
We also need a loop. This piece will be attached on top.
Again, sausage shaped wool is laid down. Made wet with warm water in the middle only. Leave both ends dry. Wet felt the middle part with warm soapy water.
Now, we attached it to the bottom and top. Because some parts are still dry, this makes it easier to put on top and spreading the wool evenly on both sides of the chime.
It will get wet now as everything else is wet. When you are happy with the attachments. Cover the whole piece with your net curtain. Wet it with really warm to hot
water. Use soap to make it slippy and help with the felting process.
This is my net curtain. I think it is normally used in drawers to stop pans slipping around. I buy this in hardware places like woodies. I’m not sure what it is made off, it has a plasticy feel to it. It suits me perfectly. This will help to keep designs in place. With a lot of elbow grease this needs to be felted well. Be prepared to rub and roll this for 15-20 minutes. Depending how much pressure you put on it.
Once it starts to felt and stiffen well, we remove the resist. Cut a straight line. Take out the resist. Now concentrate your felting to the inside and the fold you may have gotten due to the resist.
You want to have a result like this. The whole project should be tight and stiff by now.
Keep felting if it needs it. You can never felt enough. At some stage the felt cannot tighten any more. You will not shrink it to nothing
Your next step is marking the cuts. Straight lines up. This is an individual choice as how long and wide you make the stripes.
Mark them with pins. Then cut with good scissors.
Give this now a good wash out under running water. A vinegar solution ( 5 parts water to 1 part vinegar) I use afterward to neutralize any soap that’s left. Dip the piece a few times into the vinegar solution. Wring it out carefully.
Insert balloon and blow up.
So the pale blue out.
Arrange the stripes to your liking. I turned mine all outside.
All that’s left to do is to hang it up so it can dry out. I left mine for 2 days, but it obviously depends where you put yours.
When dry, burst the balloon, take it out and enjoy. The shape will stay in place, unless it gets wet. They look lovely in the garden but remember to take them back in again.
Now over to you. If you’re not clear with the instructions, send me an email and I’ll reply to your questions. Please let me see your wind chimes if you do any.
I enjoyed making mine and it’s hanging in the hallway now. I probably make some more and might add Christmas bubbles or glass bubbles into the middle.
With that, take care and I really hope to see you all very soon again. Much love Franziska